South Mill Art’s Technical Workshop Week Success!

South Mill Arts was delighted to host its first week-long theatre workshop over the summer holidays.  Eleven students took part in the event which ran from Monday to Friday and culminated in an incredible show run completely by the technical team.

The students were wholly immersed in life at South Mill Arts, getting involved with all aspects of technical production and learning about stage management, lighting, sound and event management. Taking part in practical workshops, each student had the chance to co-design elements, call technical cues and get an insight into the role of a Theatre Technician.

On the final day, the students oversaw the ‘get-in’ and ‘get-out’ for the event that night – a musical evening with local singer, Alex Outlaw.  The team was responsible for the whole production, ensuring everything ran smoothly and creating an unmissable performance.

The dedication from everyone involved was unmistakable as they showcased their knowledge and expertise from the week with a fantastic lighting display, stage dressing, and pitch-perfect sound.

One student said “The week was so much fun, I got the chance to have hands-on experience in technical theatre which is an interest of mine.  Having access to this kind of opportunity on my doorstep was incredible!”

Run by the technical team at South Mill Arts, the program was designed to engage and inspire young people within the community.

“The technical week has all been about connecting with local students and helping to develop and inspire interests within the arts and I am delighted to say it has been a success. 

This past week has been an amazing experience for everyone involved and I am so proud of our students.  Their hard work paid off and they produced an incredible evening of entertainment enjoyed by everyone who came, giving the students practical experience they can use in the future.

I’ve been blown away by the commitment and focus they’ve shown and I am looking forward to starting the program again next summer.”
Scott Gaddes, Technical and Operations Manager, South Mill Arts.

If you would like to register your interest in any future Technical Workshops, please email Scott and
